Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How To Put Music Notes In A Bracelet
The best president is the one who does nothing
accommodate politically incorrect this interesting article: I
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
U.S.: Obama, another miracle product - by Jorge Valin
Unlike 99% of world population, I do not expect a politician I have to raise the salary out of the crisis that we are or become more health accessible. I know that if the government raises my salary by Executive Order, I get fired. "Vote for the one who promises least. It will be the least you down" WM RamsayUno of large defects of the human being is his blind faith in miracles that is, hope to discharge their responsibilities and at the same time get the best possible results. Something like that is priceless. Look for example in these pills and diet to lose weight or those potions that make hair grow and men desperately want. We all know that do not work, but what if they gave a result? The day Obama won the American elections, the voters were elated: they bought the best miracle product market election. His followers said: Obama cheaper medicine, join unions, get us out of the crisis, will change the international war diplomacy, will raise the minimum wage, even lower taxes for the poor and small businesses to upload it to the rich and large companies. Come on, be the first government in the history of humanity will be strong with the weak and weak with the strong. What then is not explained how Obama was the candidate who has received more money from Wall Street. In fact, the Dow Jones shot the day before the election and his victory discounting the next day on why "buy with rumor and sell the news. "rich whites and poor blacks share a common candidate. Have you noticed that here in Spain think of something similar? The" homeless "voted for Zapatero and large companies have reaped the gains. Unlike 99% of world population, I do not expect a politician I have to raise the salary out of the crisis in which we are or become more accessible health care. I know that if the government raises my salary by decree law I get fired. I know that if you try me out of the crisis, will take away my money to give to any property or bank. And I know if I make healthcare more accessible, I'll have to endure long queues, a Health inefficient and arrogant and inept doctors are never responsible for their errores.Bush was the President for National Security (uppercase) and ended up ruining the country, making it a state of siege for its citizens including concentration camp (Guantanamo .) Zapatero, was president of harmony, social justice and prosperity. There has never been in this country so much tension, poor functioning of justice and economic crisis like now. And what is the best president then? Maybe things are going backwards. The least then, it will be the best. U.S. gives three muestras.William Henry Harrison. Sound familiar? Hardly. It was the ninth President of the United States. Made the acceptance speech for president longer than had ever been made until then, two hours. A month later he died. Fortunately for Americans, did not have time to do nada.Millard Fillmore was the thirteenth president of the United States. He had so many political fights during his presidency that did nothing. His greatest achievement was to set up a swim in the White House. Another big break for americanos.Warren G. President Harding was the number twenty-nine. Many historians have labeled as the worst president in American history. Can not be more wrong. No one could decipher what he said, not only because they had no sense but because they invent words when speaking and writing. The journalist HL Mencken said of him that "has the worst English I've ever seen." Did not travel much and squandered the money, giving speeches on the porch of his casa.Tenía reputation as a womanizer, drinker and that's where he was visiting the variety show there. Twice a week, riding crap game of poker at the White House. Obviously, a man with a very active social life had little to devote to matters of state. Were two years where Americans were freed from the tyranny of good intentions políticas.Los political star who wants to make history are the greatest threats to the free citizen. Lincoln, Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Bush (son) ... All have made history. All have left their country in poverty, participated in wars and invasions or political powers have been expanded over the freedom of citizens. The best president is one who has no buildings to their name, or libraries, or statues, which nobody remembers. Hopefully Obama does not make more history than has already becoming the first black president of the United States.
Labels: United States
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Budget Air Rifle Scopes

I have a good friend at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Peru. It is the young philosopher Antonio Ramirez Victorio. Have a blog dedicated to the filosofía que les recomiendo por contener temas y autores que abarcan las áreas que interesan al campo de la filosofía.
Personalmente constituye una sorpresa agradable el que Antonio tenga en su Blog un reporte sobre mi visita a la UNMSM acaecida ya hace meses y durante la cual conocí parte de la ciudad de Lima e hice amigos.
La dirección del Blog es la siguiente: http://antonio-ramirez-victorio.blogspot.com/2008/10/mises-de-len-y-jornada-liberal.html
Les recomiendo a mis lectores que lo visiten si buscan artículos de interés filosófico y que Antonio coseche muchos éxitos.
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