Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is Hemo Rage Black A Steroid

Inroads into Google Maps. Literature and Writing Series

This year came from a working class with the group of pupils from 5th and 6th grade Siglo XXI Colegio de Bariloche (Argentina) the making of a thematic map.
The work that led to this map online was because from a work of calligraphy with phrases of writers, thinkers, philosophers, comedians, athletes, entrepreneurs, ... We could reflect and awaken everyone's curious to know more about the preson who said it. So the idea of \u200b\u200bresearching the biography and location on the world map the author of the phrase. Each has a map in your folder to be completed as we discover new characters. Because not always easy to find the countries and their container has the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing this work to another level. I asked myself, why not avail ourselves of Google Maps? And so we began to venture into online maps.
To carry out this work involves my parallel (cs math teacher and social) who in a brief meeting, I showed how to use Google Maps . It goes without say that he loved and will soon start with the kids make a map of "May Revolution." I also worked with three students in each course were charged after explaining to the rest of their degree how to handle Google Maps.
We all have a common user account and as many of our work not only follow from the cole if we do from anywhere you have at hand a PC and internet connection.

Pasa, comment and assessment. WRITERS AND CHARACTERS


Friday, May 20, 2011

Funny Welcome Sentence For New Born Baby

The Bank of Time visits the Botanical Garden

nature and sensitivity in the "Finca de la Concepción"
Cloudy, yes, a little cloudy day dawned we had intended to visit the Botanical Garden Design, the charm of our beloved garden in Malaga. Everything indicated it would rain, it promised to be a day for outdoor enjoyment.
However, we met all, in this case were 10 women agreed that, in time to reach our destination. Smoothly and we arrived there we got Manuel, our guide and our companion cousin Maria del Pino, organizer of this output. After the presentations relevant, we began our tour of the garden and soon began to discover the tenderness and love for the nature of our guide, virtue and feeling that make us sick to learn, see and enjoy this visit.

was impossible to go unnoticed by the beauty of every corner, in every yard we went, there was an explanation or a story told with enough detail to learn, but without getting bored.

Without naming names because I'm too poor for that, I will cite some examples of what they have learned: That why tunnels formed trees, the height of the palm, the stem with thorns to defend themselves from predators, the color of the sap and hence its name, why the wisteria was so high and in places that were not expected to why it is not advisable to plant a ficus near a house, that the roots of some trees keep their food and so the way that trees also are scrambling to survive, that there are fruits that are not "fruits" are flowers and eat them , there are trees that help others to grow, so a number of comments and teachings that delighted us all morning.

And by the way the cloudy day, and we felt it and we were enthralled with the information and the sensitivity of our guide. All this plus the camaraderie that prevailed in the group, as the photo, that laughter, that the anecdote. We promised to return for a visit to this beautiful place.

Thanks Mary and thanks Manuel. Another wonderful experience. This is for me the Time Bank. Recommended!

This text has been written and sent by the user Carmen Brown with the aim of sharing his experience with the bank, from the secretariat would like to thank the participation and commitment of our client María del Pino for organizing this wonderful visit.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

If I Have Genital Herpes Can I Shave

New proposals, new meetings, new activities

" Lights, camera ... the bank of time in action in this image just need you to be the person protagonist, because the activities are served, animate and in addition to the exchanges, shares in the different activities we propose:

1 .- Sewing Workshop Isabel Hijano No. 124
2 .- New delivery Workshop on Urban Ecology with Henry # 25
3 .- Guitar Lessons with Juan Luis Morilla No. 115
4 .- New Yoga Classes with George Virgil n º 244
5 .- Carmen Martos Meditation No. 59

already know that to participate should contact the people offering to carry out the activity, do not hesitate, phone or mail in hand, go!

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Dinner Atmosphere Arabic: "The time between seams

From the hand of the user Isabel Hijano No. 124 comes a gastronomic of great cultural interest: we proposed to read the book "The time between seams Maria Duenas, individually, and then to a dinner where a group of 10-12 people, you can conduct a meeting for reflection and comments on it.
By the very story that the book refers to the Arab proposal for setting colors and scents that will transport us to the wonderful world of Arab-Andalusian, without forgetting the candles and quiet necessary for the meeting is productive. Isabel

proposed as their home venue, taking advantage of Malaga summer, a time that the freshness is so nice. She is responsible for preparing all the food that is even a tasting menu of Moroccan dishes. For this each person interested in attending must provide € 15 which can overcome the expenses incurred for the preparation of dinner.

are advised to read the book, look at public libraries or borrow.

must contact Isabel to assemble the group.

Enjoy the evening as soon as you do!

Sweet Unblocked Games

News for the memories ... check out the museum Revello de Toro

In the heart of the city of Malaga lies the museum Revello de Toro "which contains a very valuable collection of that artist Malagueño. Throughout the tour showing their works, you can enjoy the portraits, nudes, pictures more than usual, and and no, of white paint so enhances and majesty, which give the impression of continuous motion.

Simulating Meninas by Velazquez, director of the Museum "Revello de Toro" presents a wonderful collection of paintings which hosts the space and cultural interest is the building itself, the birthplace of time in the historic center of Malaga, century after century, with its amendments and changes.
The haul was made in small groups in some rooms and a large group that were larger, had also the opportunity to see a documentary where we told the life story of the sculptor granaino so famous Pedro de Mena.

The Time Bank Group to exit the museum, posing with the sculpture in homage to Pedro de Mena.

This activity joined the persons composing the 3 banks weather the city open until then: the Centre, Bailen Miraflores and road to Cadiz. It was the right time to promote awareness among all those who share the part of the same project, managed by different areas of Malaga. Activities

how are you calling will continue through the contacts of the Time Bank, follow us through our blog.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Explain Different Types Of Business Agreements

The White Night in BDT BDT

The last day May 14 was held in our city, "White Night", a large group of the Time Bank wanted to be at the opening held in the building of the Municipal Children, located in Plaza del Pericón, Malaga . There we had the opportunity to meet, participate in the visual projections of short sample of graffiti, the mural that drew the different families that attended the visit to the toy library project, and of course to meet again in an environment that builds confidence among the group.

Playroom The building is symbolic for all persons enrolled in the BDT, and that in the future, hopefully very soon, will host our office. From there, when the change occurs, I keep seeing great interest and look forward to continue to grow in this adventure of the Time Bank.
keep you informed!

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The Bank team is once again time for all / as you / as, through the waves. We refer to our space BDT Online in Blue Wave radio, tuned to 88.7, every Thursday from 17:30 to 18pm.

Francisco Palma our partner program, and were accompanied / as with John Lucas, Rando Remedios Gomez and Maria Nieves.

We encourage you to participate!

Acrostic Poem For Death

While there remain a few days of spring, and this year is still unusual for our climate, spring is truly well, preparing to move to a new weather station ... and we spent the solstice summer

The solstices are moments of years in which the Sun reaches its highest position southern boreal or , ie maximum decline north (+23 º 27 ') and maximum south declination (-23 ° 27') with respect to land Ecuador.
summer solstice in the northern hemisphere the Sun reaches the zenith at noon on the Tropic of Cancer and the winter solstice reaches its zenith at noon on the Tropic of Capricorn . Occurs twice per year: 20 or 21 June to 22 or 23 December each year.
Throughout the year the position of the Sun as viewed from the Earth moves to the North and South. The existence of the solstices is caused by inclination the Earth's axis on the plane of its orbit. In the days
solstice, the length of day and latitude of the sun at noon are Maximum (summer solstice) and minimal (in the winter solstice) than any other day of the year. In most ancient cultures held festivals commemorating the solstices.
The dates of the solstices are identical to step astronomical spring to summer and autumn to winter in temperate zones. The dates of the winter solstice and summer solstice are changed for both hemispheres.
The solstice is a term astronomical related to the position of the Sun in Ecuador blue. The name comes from Latin solstitium (sun or sun still

As is customary in our Time Bank, people who compose it, have a special sensibility, a different life philosophy in general know that energy is what is responsible for moving the Universe and therefore, when all forces are achieved great wonders together, at least we tried.

So while we announced a little early, led all those people who want to join " ask for peace and love between people", the next day 21 June at the beach pulled to 21 hours.

Those interested in participating should contact Maria del Pino, user n º 157.

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To all the people using the BDT:
Dear Friends, Summer is coming and therefore show more our body, at first a bit difficult for us because we must also prepare for it, so launched a new offer:

facial massage, accompanied by a laser hair removal advice, will be borne by the user n º 192 and 197.
Those interested should be put into contact with any of them.
who opt for this activity hope you enjoy it!

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botanical garden

is a luxury to visit the Finca de la Concepcion at this time, so our client n 157, María del Pino has thought about this and has prepared a visit for May 18 at 11 hours. those interested should contact her directly by phone.

Brief History

The Conception has its origin at the junction of several farms north of the city of Malaga. They were then olive trees, almond trees, vines and possibly especially citrus. Its creators were D. Jorge Loring and Ms. Amalia Heredia Oyarzábal Livermore, who purchased the land around 1855. According to writings of the time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthis garden was conceived on her honeymoon, conducted throughout Europe 7 years ago. The solvent financial position of the Marquis and its relationship with major European gardens made it possible to grow more exotic plants brought from around the world. To bring it to fruition, they had the help of a French gardener, Chamousst, which selected the plants and made the plantation, getting quite a few awards for this work as stated in the papers of the late s. XIX. The Concepcion was known in Europe since its inception, but not for its beautiful and lush garden, but for the magnificent collection of archaeological remains held in the Museum Loringiano, Doric-style temple was built on a Roman mosaic discovered in Cártama and showing the exploits of Hercules. For years the marriage was concerned to recover Loring few archaeological remains have at their fingertips. Of these the most important was undoubtedly the Lex Flavia Malacitana, bronze Roman laws governing Malaga in eighties, today in the National Archaeological Museum. After the death of their owners and come down in the family economically, La Concepción was acquired in 1911 by a couple of Bilbao, the Echevarrieta Echevarría, who also worked to expand the garden by creating some new areas. 1990-2006

In 1990, the whole farm (49 hectares between historic garden and farm and forest areas surrounding it) was acquired by the City of Manchester by 600 million pesetas (€ 3,606,073). In 1991 he founded the Municipal Botanical Trust 'Manchester City' for its management and administration. The 49 acres were divided into two parts by a road to build the dam of Lemon: 26 declared and 23 peri-urban park surrounded constituting the Botanical Garden Historic La Concepción. After some infrastructure and adequacy was opened in 1994 with two purposes: the preservation and enhancement of historic garden at the farm and make a botanical garden (cultural, educational and scientific related plants, with as many of them in living collections) .

Enjoy nature and its silence!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hairstyles Petite Women

CONCEPTION VII Volunteer Week and Fair

As previously announced, is celebrado la VIII Semana del Voluntariado y la Participación en el parque de Málaga. Un año más la Federación Ágora y la Asociación Arrabal, han compartido stand, para dar información de sus proyectos por separado, además del proyecto estrella que comparten desde el año 2009, el Banco del Tiempo, proyecto innovador y sostenible, igualitario porque todos los servicios que se ofrecen tienen el mismo valor, que se traduce al tiempo que se tarda en realizarlo.

El Banco del Tiempo es un proyecto cofinanziado por la Unión Europea, enmarcado en el Proyecto "Inicativa Urbana, Arrabales y Carreterías", y patrocinado por el Área de Igualdad, del Ayto de Málaga.
Gracias participation of the users of our Time Bank, has provided information in the first person who visited the fair, also has distributed a total of 1000 brochures.

Due to the expectations created for the general public, through the Participation area of \u200b\u200bour City, they are expanding the secretariats of the BDT, we can say that there are four offices that are located on the Carretera de Cádiz Districts , Bailen-Miraflores, El Palo and soon in Churriana.

Next year we hope to have the opportunity to continue to share this initiative with the people of Malaga.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Equity Participation and Volunteer

The next weekend, 6,7 and 8 May 2011 will take place, like last year's Fair Voluntary Participation and Manchester City Council organized in the park. We

chance meeting at the Stand of the Federation of Associations of Women "Agora" and the Association "Arrabal" where the project is also included Bank of Time. Be the very people that make up who will have the opportunity to share their experience with all those who so requests.

can make a trade Books, Music and Movies that will allow us to leave material we already know to bring other interested us know.
certainly a good time to continue talking about the Time Bank project, we invite you to come in and talk to us / as.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fix A Subwoofer Cable

- Plays Historical Audiovisuals

This project was carried out simultaneously in two schools. A (public school) with restricted access to information they had just written and audiovisual as the movie The Saint de la Espada. While the other group of students (private school, 4th grade) had Internet access, movies and varied literature. But that did not stop both courses achieved their goal: learn the history of General San Martín and arming the act of August 17.

Webquest Theatre and Literature and Writing Series 1 Cick ICT and Classroom

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

W.w.w. Mjak Milosc Tvp.p.l.

Manchester City Council Meetings at the meeting of confidence of April

trust's meeting of April and a successful call was a moment to share different opinions, concerns, doubts and experiences.

In the first part of the meeting talking about the philosophy of the Time Bank, also handed out and try to document the performance standards we already knew. It is important to know and assume.

there at all times according to different themes that were addressed in the proposed agenda, this information is provided by electronic mail to all persons who make up the Time Bank to be aware of it.

take this opportunity to raise concerns and questions regarding the implementation of best practices within the Time Bank.

There was also room for the filing of a new client of the bank of the time we introduced on the initiative of bookcrossing. He
numerous books for every interested person who could take one to read and lose consciousness so that you can find someone else, read it and lose it again. No doubt an interesting way to encourage reading.

In a second part of the meeting we had the opportunity to meet the personal experience of Marta Peguero in relation to tolerance and Interculturalism, sharing with the group on work being conducted in English CEAR commission to help people refugees. We conducted a debate on what he told us where they could hear different views on the subject.
ended the meeting saying goodbye to the next, and encouraging you to be very attentive work to the news that is posted on the Blog.

We want to perform multiple exchanges of favors, see you soon!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tecnik Extrator Filter

Group workshops: Another way to share

I remember the various group workshops that are being developed to who decides to continue to participate in different activities which take place in the Central time bank.

The performance of these activities is a good time to meet different people that make up this project and dedicate some time to ourselves and ourselves and the care of our bodies and our health.

Gymnastics Workshop : Every Tuesday from 18:30 to 19:30 with Maria Antonia user n º 163

Yoga Workshop: Every Wednesday from 18 to 19h user Lulu Spain # 16

Computer Workshop: All Friday from 17 to 19h user Veronica No 181. At the headquarters of the Moroccan Association in c / Riders # 5

craftroom : Every Friday from 17 to 19h with Claudia user n º 201
Workshop mus : Every Friday from 19 to 21h with Elisa Miguens user No local 152.En the Street Academy Cistercian
Positive Thinking Workshop: Contact with Divine Light user n º 133

All workshops in the Central District Council, except that we note the place where they thrive.
hope you like it, do not hesitate to contact the people who organize for assistance.

Affective Greetings!

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Trust Meeting of April: Thinking, Feeling, Cooperate URBAN ECOLOGY WORKSHOP

The next meeting will be held in confidence after the holidays next Tuesday April 26 at 18h where we always meet in the Downtown District Council over the Merced market.

divide time leaving the first part for various information and a second part to address the theme of "Intercultural and Tolerance" in the presence of Ruth Sarabia will share with us in training in this subject.

I hope with new activities, information and desire to meet to continue to shape our Time Bank.
Until then!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What Does Healing Jock Itch Look Like?

Last Friday we had the opportunity to see the park fully Picasso, from an

botany and ecology. A group of about 15 people were identifying plants, trees and shrubs with contributions from Enrique Maldonado, head of the Urban Ecology Workshop at its third session.
In the first place we sat on the grass and Henry explained how the visit would also help us see the environment with the glasses of the environment. Then we walked around the park, which allowed us to learn new information, enjoy the plants and trees as well as answer questions and approaches.

look forward to further news of upcoming activities to be undertaken as part of this exciting workshop Urban Ecology.

Thanks to ... who attended, who prepared it, who asked, who contributed, who made the evening more enjoyable with your comments ...

Thanks to everyone for making this possible!

Friday, April 8, 2011

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New supply in the Time Bank: facial massage

Our colleague Ana María López user # 197 we offer the following activities:

exercises and facial massage , which consists of the following:

- For up to six people, one hour a weeks on Wednesdays from 17h to 18h in the District Board in the Market Center of Mercy order to become more sessions depending assistance and interest in that activity.

- Begin the activity with facial exercises and end with the above massages.

care tips: It would be desirable for those interested went without makeup (optional) and facial cream provided that each deems appropriate for your skin, although it would be enough with a normal moisturizer.

Interested as to contact her. From the Registry of time we hope that you enjoy this activity so relaxing!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cubefield Unblocked Ar School


confidence at the meeting last was agreed to undertake the following activities:


- Day 13 April. tour of the Casa Hermandad de la Virgen del Rocio, C / Circo No. 5 (where we were at Christmas) to 18h.

- April 15, visit the Museum Revello de Toro, C / Afflicted No. 5 at 19h. It is important for attending these visits, we confirm it by email or telephone.

series of talks and lectures: try the subject: Intercultural and Tolerance (next meeting April 26 confidence in the downtown district board)

continue with group activities: Workshop Gymnastics, Yoga, Computers, Crafts, Mus, Urban Ecology, Psychology "Positive Thinking, and the Reading Club.

We have the widest possible participation!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How To Stop The Roof Of Your Mouth From Bleeding


We are a research group with experience and education in the following areas: Memory
  • and culture of northern Mexico. Auto
  • knowledge management and popular knowledge.
  • Significant learning and educational technology.
  • Systematization of experiences and strategic planning.
offer our services to people and organizations interested in tools, methods and models for continuous learning and cultural work.

  • Dialogue, coordinated and networked.
  • mobilization of popular culture and education as ways of organizing and community resistance.
  • knowledge management at local, regional and global (co-creation, self and socialization of knowledge.

Jobs, Services.
I. workshops, courses, seminars, courses:
popular mythology of northern Mexico

II. Consulting, strategic planning:
  • documentary and field research
  • textual
  • Mediation: management and care of writing or editing various projects or programs
  • sociocultural Diagnosis and management of personal files private and public (documents: textual, photographic, digital, audio and video)

III. Talks, lectures:

  • Micro sociology and cultural geography: principles, methodology, case
  • visual anthropology, ethnographic photography as a reflection and social analysis, multicultural city
  • Mexican political system
  • Violence in Northeast Mexico
  • Reflections on the culture of northern Mexico Monterrey
  • : History and Culture
  • Traces of stone, engravings and paintings in northern Mexico
  • The corrido norteño: history, functions, perspectives
  • 's Colombia Monterrey, a culture of peace
  • Graffiti Monterrey metropolitan area, memory, and perspectives
  • The knowledge Popular on small farm in Nuevo Leon
The content and structure of our services are flexible, can be tailored to the interests or needs of individual, group or organization.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quickbooks Retail Product Number

I remember another appointment with the group Urban Ecology.

Next Friday 8 to five in the afternoon we have the 3 rd day of the workshop on urban ecology in which we make a botanical itinerary by Picasso gardens. We will meet at the park entrance along Avenue Bankinter in Spain. Contact Enrique Maldonado, user No 25.

This picture is made of Pericón Square, in front of the Toy Library (Bank headquarters next time.)

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Juan Alberto Gomez, the user n º 211, offers classes for beginners guitar, @ s interested contact him. Facial massage is also offered by our user n º 197, Ana M ª López, those interested should contact her.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How To Know If My Ringownrm Is Healing?

Trust Meeting March 2011

Yesterday afternoon a meeting was held March trusted as every last Tuesday of each month. The Board of City Center We took her to his room, at a meeting for discussion, exchange of views, approach and solve any queries. We take confidence-building and allows us to make many exchanges. We bring

main ideas who could not attend:

- debated : Importance of communication between people who are part of the Time Bank: how to get, how to share, how we contribute. ..

- Output Holy Week of Malaga with Rosa Rodriguez Avila user n º 235: Holy Thursday Tour traveling to various thrones and brotherhoods.

- out to celebrate spring, snack or lunch to enjoy the spring weather and the meeting among us.

- Urban Ecology Workshop: Next meeting Friday, April 1 at 17h in front of Central Market Atarazanas street to drift through the center.

- Visit the Museums "Revello de Toro" and "Thyssen-Bornemisza"

Many thanks to everyone and that you did it all possible, until next time! We


Monday, March 28, 2011

Are There Shota Movies


As scheduled, the Urban Ecology workshop began on March 25 at the headquarters of the Association Arrabal.

The first class was aimed at the self-organization of the workshop, among all those who attended agreed the methodology to follow, visits, hours, etc ...

We encourage those who believe that they can share their time in this activity so rewarding not hesitate to contact our friend and User No. 25, Henry, or directly with the secretariat.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Trust Meeting of April

From the Secretariat of the time we are pleased to invite you to the next meeting of Trust will be the next day March 29, 2011 at 17:30 in Downtown District Board (2 nd floor of the Mercado de la Merced). It will try

topics of interest and spend a pleasant time pooling whatever we see fit to improve the daily practice of our Time Bank.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Heat Absorbant Material

Great assistance to the workshop "The Key to Abundance"

The Workshop on "The Key to Wealth" held last week by Clara Corchuelo maatawy with Anwar at the headquarters of the Association "This is Colombia" had great number of visitors. It brought together many people who had the opportunity to share all the knowledge and experiences were exchanged in the context of that workshop.
Many thanks to all who made this possible and we hope soon propose new encounters. As always I look forward to new activities in the Secretariat of Time!