ever told me a beautiful Christmas story that made me think about how wonderful it is to help from the most humble and simple, from what little we have.
Here I share with you:
Here I share with you:
The Stranger Child

A Christmas night, when they were already seated at the table and the dishes were served, they heard a faint knock on the door and the mother opened it. There was a small child, covered with an old coat and bare feet. Shivering with cold and could barely say

"Please, could you let me in? I have much or cold and hungry.
whole family approached the door
whole family approached the door
- "Come in, come quickly ...! Ice cream ... you're staying! ".
And then brought him dry clothes and made him a seat at the table. The mother brought a dish from the kitchen and each member put in it a poor part of the meal they would share.
When they finished dinner, the children said:
"You must be very tired and still have their hands purple with cold. Lie in our bed that we put a blanket on the floor and sleep here.
and accompanied the little guest to his room, helped him to bed and cherished with affection.
already lying on her blanket, the children spoke of how lucky they were:
- We have parents and a roof to sleep and never lacked a bit of bread. We should be grateful for that and I could help this poor child.
Finally fell asleep and had not spent much time, when something woke Valentina:
- Michael, Michael, wake up! Do not you hear that music?
The two children came to the window and heard a beautiful melody that echoed through the trees. And they saw a rosy light seemed to descend upon the house and a large number of airborne angels who played small golden harp.
Children Amazed, they kept the light of heaven when the sound of footsteps made them turn around. Behind them was a stranger child. She wore a snow white robe and a golden halo illuminated his head. His voice was soft when he spoke to the children:
- I am he who seeks the good men and you gave me food when I was hungry and shelter when I was cold.

So saying, he left the house and cut a small branch of a nearby tree. With his hands, planted next to the cabin and told the children:
- This branch will grow and every year at Christmas, will be filled with fruit.
said, Jesus disappeared with all his angels.
And to the surprise of Valerie and Michael, the small tree branch in his sight grew and grew and grew and all its branches were filled with red and golden apples, walnuts, grapes bright, huge melons and sweet chocolate and beautiful gifts of all kinds who were not only a joy, but filled his pantry for a long time.

And while they lived, Valentina and Miguel did not stop to help those who needed it more than them and never let the tree be filled with Christmas presents.

Only thinking
we ever been as Valentina and Miguel?, we can not start this Christmas?
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