This blog this group of friends made the Barefoot Madferitos welfare campaigns with the support of an extensive network of friends of friends of each of its members. And if not for many of you who support us we could not successfully carry out our plans.
We are thinking about the next activity that we perform, we know if we will be very valuable to our already hectic time occupations that have yet the feeling moves us to do more for someone depending on options and clear is that the needs are endless in this life, I hope it was just unlimited support we can give and we are committed to fulfilling our goals and well-considered proposals until the end.
For this we need sponsorship and / or promoters so this blog makes space available for advertising in general, interested parties please contact by this means ( http://madferitosdescalzos.blogspot.com/ ) or email: madferitosdescalzos@hotmail.com , for more detailed information.
We are thinking about the next activity that we perform, we know if we will be very valuable to our already hectic time occupations that have yet the feeling moves us to do more for someone depending on options and clear is that the needs are endless in this life, I hope it was just unlimited support we can give and we are committed to fulfilling our goals and well-considered proposals until the end.
For this we need sponsorship and / or promoters so this blog makes space available for advertising in general, interested parties please contact by this means ( http://madferitosdescalzos.blogspot.com/ ) or email: madferitosdescalzos@hotmail.com , for more detailed information.
This is a noble cause so that revenues can be obtained by
doubly for you .
Our Marketing Plan wants to be focused tightly into the electronic market which is gaining ground very good

So promote your company, your services, your products, your band, etc.. In general we expect that you are a person with vision and see that this medium can also serve to help each other and be able to perform more good deeds.

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