The Government of the State of Durango Republican City of Gomez Palacio, Dgo., through the Cultural Institute of Durango State and the Municipal Institute of Culture, aiming to strengthen and stimulate artistic creation in Mexico, called a
Second National Painting Biennial
Gómez Palacio 2010
is open to all artists of Mexican nationality and aliens with five years of residence in the country, with proof of it.
Applicants should have on your resume at least one solo and two group.
Works and formats
Each artist can participate with a minimum of two and a maximum of three works on two-dimensional format, made from 2008.
Works must not have been submitted to other contests or have been physically or virtually exposed previously.
The subject, the technical approach and the tendency of the works are in the opinion of the authors.
Papers should not contain perishable items that endanger the safety of persons or property.
The format must not exceed 150 cm per side, including the context, to irregular forms shall refer to the same extent.
If of being selected, the work must be submitted ready for display.
Any work that does not comply with the above specifications will be automatically disqualified.
Selection and documents
The organizing committee will appoint a jury selected from the participants, a maximum of 50 works that make up the Second Biennial Exhibition of Painting Gómez Palacio Nacional 2010. The jury will include specialists in the field of visual arts, whose names will be announced in due course. His decision is final.
Participants have a deadline on Tuesday, June 11, 2010, at 14:00 hours, to personally deliver or mail in a sealed envelope and four points, the recording material described below in the following order:
detailed curriculum vitae artist's full name, place and date of birth, address (street, number, colony, office or city, state, zip code, country), telephone, fax, e-mail.
Photocopy of birth certificate and photo ID
artists resident aliens must submit documents substantiating residence of at least five years in Mexico.
Originals or photocopies of invitations, brochures or press releases to verify the achievement of at least one solo and two group
Sheet for each of the works involved: title, art (mixed media to specify), measures in centimeters, year of completion, assessment.
Four photographs printed 5 x 7 inches each work identified by the back with author's name, title, technique, measured in centimeters, date of completion and assessment.
A digital image of each work, in jpg format, 2100 x 1500 pixels, recorded on a CD clearly identified. The title of each digital file should match the title of each work. Recommended care for the quality of the images as they will be used for printing the catalog of the biennial.
A letter of acceptance by participants, which by signing agree to abide strictly to the bases of the contest and the decisions of the jury, which will be final, denying the signature explicitly to any action or claim and as compensation or benefits not specified in these rules.
All registration materials should be sent to the offices of the Institute Municipal de Cultura de Gómez Palacio located in Francisco Zarco Convention Center, Blvd Miguel German and González de la Vega s / n, Gomez Palacio, Durango, CP 35000.
Municipal Institute of Culture in Gómez Palacio to preserve the material record of all participating artists for archival purposes, no material will be returned under any circumstances.
Participants will be notified via phone, fax or e-mail from 21 to 25 June 2010.
Work reception
The deadline for receiving the selected works will be June 28 to July 17, 2010. The place of receipt of the same will be announced in due course to the selected artists.
Each selected work must be submitted ready for display and properly identified with its attached to the backing sheet, indicating name of author, title, technique, year of completion and assessment.
packaging costs, transportation, shipping, return and work insurance and risk borne by the participants. The biennial Gómez Palacio will only be responsible for the preservation and security of the pieces from the time they have been received in good condition at its headquarters.
If the exposure is requested for display at another venue works may not be withdrawn until the end of its tour.
Once the exhibition period, participants will be notified and will have 60 days to withdraw his work at the end of this period, the organizers will decide the fate of the pieces that have not been claimed. The organizers will not be liable in any paperwork or costs involved in the return to work.
Awards and
R. Municipality of Gomez Palacio, Dgo. through the Municipal Institute of Culture, awarded a unique prize, by way of acquisition of $ 75 000.00 (seventy five thousand pesos 00/100 MN) , which will be indivisible. The jury may award the prize if they consider and give honorable mentions, which are being credited by a diploma. The winning work will become part of the collection of the Instituto Municipal de Cultura de Gomez Palacio.
The award ceremony will take place during the inauguration of the Second National Painting Biennial Gomez Palacio, 2010 at the Museum of Modern Art in the city of Gomez Palacio, Dgo. on August 5, 2010.
A catalog with all selected pieces.
Any case not considered in this call will
resolved at the discretion of the organizers and the jury.
For more information go to
Municipal Institute of Culture, Teatro Alberto M.
Alvarado and Francisco Zarco Convention Center, German
Blvd Miguel de la Vega and González s / n, Gomez Palacio, Dgo.
CP 35000 Phone: (871) 750 10 29 750 00 19, 750 in October 2003
HYPERLINK "http:// imcgomezpalacio.blogspot.com / " http://imcgomezpalacio.blogspot.com/
HYPERLINK "mailto:culturagp@gmail.com" culturagp@gmail.com HYPERLINK "mailto:imculturaurbana@gmail.com" imculturaurbana@gmail.com
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