kick off "My Vacation in the library" in the city of Gomez Palacio.
In the 6 libraries that are borne by the municipality through the Municipal Institute of Culture and the state library, belonging to the Cultural Institute of the State of Durango, started, on Monday July 12 until Friday, August 6, 2010, the federal program "My vacation in the library 2010 .
This federal program invites the library network in the country to implement different workshops. Each year the program changes the issues that developed in the workshops, gathering all the information on hand that can be accessed by users or staff themselves wanting to complement their exercise activities that were previously tested. The program seeks to promote development imagination, creativity and participation by the main activity that is promoted in a library reading.
activities try to read, is written and created from the books. Always with a playful spirit who tries to girls and children, and adolescents and adults who come to attend, they understand that acquiring knowledge is not something boring or only when really necessary. "It is always necessary to learn. We entered the library of almost zero and so we were better. Thus we learned from the training courses we came to give and go. Este tipo de trabajo es de paciencia y, la verdad, dedicación para no desesperarse porque como a veces tenemos muchos usuarios, otras, es muy difícil que logren llegar”, dijo San Juana Ceballos, encargada de la biblioteca localizada en la colonia Felipe Ángeles.
En el municipio de Gómez Palacio el programa arrancó en las seis bibliotecas localizadas en el área urbana y rural. El trabajo que realizan para el arranque de los talleres se complementa con un enlace previo hecho con la comunidad donde se instalan los talleres. Todas las bibliotecas públicas aplican los programas con que cuentan (los círculos de lectura, la hora del cuento, elaboración your stories, etc.) in upper secondary schools, close to their location, or sites requested by the community. The activities to be performed outside the walls and programs carried out continuously "see its peak in the summer. All children, especially, we work in the year come to the library to be part of our activities and not only them but also their parents or older siblings, "said Aidee Eriarte in charge of the library located in the Fraccionamiento Los Alamos Infonavit.
2010, the program my vacation in the library has as its theme the Bicentennial Independence and the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, seen from an overview of what was happening around these two major events and their subsequent influences, ranging from games for children and adults at the time, until the arrival film to our country, through artistic creation. It has also prepared a workshop about the commemoration, this year, the 500 and 400 years after the death of Sandro Botticelli and Caravaggio, respectively, in addition to the bicentenary of the birth of Frederick Chopin.
The number of children registered to start the program varies and during 4 weeks the program is growing. The number of children enrolled in each is:
Mr. Armando del Castillo Franco (Fraccionamiento Los Alamos Infonavit): 60 girls and boys.
Francisco Zarco Virtual Library (Francisco Zarco Convention Center): 45 girls and boys. Library
"Prof. Juana Villalobos (Ejido Sixth of October): 83 children. Francisco Zarco
Library Center (Mina and James Lavin): 50 girls and boys. Library
Ana Maria Flores (Ejido Gregory A. Gracia): 74 children. Biblioteca José
Revueltas (Col. Felipe Angeles): 67 girls and boys.
The call to join the course is open during the 4-week course. Each library will offer workshops for teens and adults for making craft, refuse material that might be trash but recycled (production of chairs, decorations, glasses, vases, etc..) Manufacturing cleaning materials and different things, depending is proposed by the community. Libraries, through the municipality will provide the materials for each workshop, supplemented with different items for recycling.
Review Workshop 2010
events here and there
Participants will learn and reflect on the events of the Independence of Mexico
and linking the events that occurred at the same time in the world, using
of the information contained in the books of the library, reading through
and research activities.
The less donkeys
cob children know the importance that has corn in Mexican life
since pre today. Also, the dynamics is to
develop creativity of children, besides their taste for listening,
research and write stories.
Vis ... tazos of the Revolution
This workshop discloses aspects of the Mexican Revolution from the history of cinema.
Participants will approaching the revolutionary movement of the hand of cinematographer
and recreate the atmosphere of Mexican society in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth through texts of writers such as José Juan Tablada , Luis G. Urbina,
Amado Nervo and Ramón López Velarde.
Toys and Games: traditions of Mexico
This workshop aims to introduce participants to the culture of our country through
games and toys at different times of our history, children practiced
Mexicans. Also, recognize, and appreciate redefinition popular toy and
traditional games as a cultural aspect that gives us identity.
The time you have left ...
This workshop aims to explore options for spreading the
Mexican society of the early twentieth century and miraculously survive to
today. There will be an approach, along with reading and play, to
cockfighting, horse racing, lottery Mexican bullfighting and boxing.
Thanks to my Mexican soil!
This activity aims to disseminate some of the major Mexican traditions,
from sweets and food to the music and crafts. It also seeks
encourage kids to experience local traditions and thereby strengthen the
sense of identity.
The mural, the art of social Show
librarians and participants through reading and activities
complementary, a brief introduction to the meaning of art as a language and, in particular
, the mural as an expression among embodies the main themes
social struggles in Mexico, as the Conquest, Independence and the Revolution, and
thus marked an era for the visual expression of art in our country.
synchrony: a retrospective art Music and
A purpose of the commemoration of the 500 and 400 years after the death of Sandro Botticelli and Caravaggio
, respectively, in addition to the bicentenary of the birth of Frederick Chopin,
this workshop invites you to take a trip around the art and music that lead to an approach
pleased with these artistic disciplines, as well as raise
participant to generate a pleasant meeting with reading and other arts.
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