Thursday, August 12, 2010
How Long Does Executor Have To
Ludwig Wittgenstein in Peru: Journeys in UNMSM
American-European Second Conference on Science and Science Philosophy, Religion and Civilization. Wittgenstein against the excesses of modernity and the Enlightenment / Second Conference on Philosophical Analysis, Legal and Political Language, Decisions and Pure Theory of Law. Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Law
26, 27 AND 28 AUGUST 2010 - San Marcos, Lima
16:30 to 21:00 hours
This is an introduction to the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein through the clear and precise and critical dialogue on how he conceived the so-called Western Civilization, cultural identity, modernity, progress, science (in its versions of Physics, Psychology, Mathematics, Anthropology and logic), religion, Christianity, God, war, the meaning of life, education and law. It consists of lectures and conferences, some reaching the general interest, others are only attractive to the specialist. (As a whole may well feel, on the one hand, as a tribute to the 30-year-edited the Wittgensteinian Culture and Value and Remarks on the Philosophy of Pyshology, and, secondly, as a tribute to the work of the recently deceased leader of the Circle Argentina Wittgensteinian Studies, Professor Roberto Rojo.)
Students and Teachers of Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology, Education, Sociology History, Medicine, Derech0, Political Science, Journalism and Linguistics. Also public officials whose work involves decisions on Science and Technology, and the educated general public.
Abregú Aurelio (San Marcos / Judicial Academy - Peru), Mauro Engelmann (Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil), José Carlos Mendonça (UFAC - Brazil), Carmen Ors (University of Valencia - Spain), Santiago Ortega (San Marcos - Peru), Nicolás Sánchez (University of Valencia - Spain), Vicente Sanford (University of Valencia - Spain), Vladimir Sierra (PUCE - Ecuador) and Marciano Spica (Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - Brasi). También se contará con ponencias de Jean P. Cometti (Université d' Aix en Provence - Francia).y Luigi Perissinotto (Università Ca' Foscari di Venecia - Italia).
Intervención especial:
Grupo de Investigación Cultura y religión. Wittgenstein y la contra-ilustración (España)
Idiomas oficiales:
Español y portugués
*Explicar detalladamente el enfoque wittgensteiniano en torno a los tópicos arriba señalados.
*Mostrar estrategias para importar argumentos wittgenstewinianos a la investigación en Ciencias Sociales y afines.
*Explicitar cómo un ejemplar de Filosofia Analítica, esto is, Wittgenstein, strange problems competently examines this tradition, and even those that are exclusive daily urgency.
* Strengthen the tradition of Wittgenstein and Wittgensteinian studies in Peru
* Comply with the tasks outlined by the Project Chair Ludwig Wittgenstein and the Latin American Diaporein Group.
* Streamline the international exchange in research focused on Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy in Social Sciences.
* Cooperate with that for 459 years makes the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (San Marcos) a significant international forum for the presentation and discussion of the results of philosophical and scientific research.
Additional Educational activities:
* Mini-Workshop on Social Science Research "Wittgenstein: Culture, Religion, Counter-Enlightenment" [Participating exhibitors and registered at the conference]
* Workshop on Philosophy Lenguae [Participating exhibitors the Conference, Organizing Committee, members of the Group and the project Diaporein CILW, and guests]
* Working Reunion Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind [Participating exhibitors of the Conference, Organizing Committee, members of the Group and the project Diaporein CILW, and guests]
Vacancies available: 12 (of 40 He initially enabled)
Registration and Benefits recorded: Send an email to whose only content is composed of the explicit request of registration opening for detailed data of the applicant and a list of names and email accounts of people who feel interested also in the theme events. The email subject should be ENROLLMENT. You will then receive information on all steps.
registration requirements will have a variation (Friday 30 July to 19 August / Friday 20 August to 26 August). Enrollees are entitled to: (1) the introductory material and (2) the 15 (approx.) talks and talks of both Conferences, (3) a summary of each of the chapters of the book in press on what you can not talk. Wittgenstein about religion (whose contents differ from language: French, Portuguese, Italian and English), (4) two certificates and (5) the total number of papers. Also participate freely in the Mini-Workshop on Social Science Research.
All outstanding researchers (leading research projects, with a record of refereed publications and presentations, and internships outside their country of origin), pre-college students to become professional claims of Arts and Social Sciences and teachers laid off over 75 years are exempt from all registration and only need to send a request to the email above. The 2010 entrants to the career of philosophy at San Marcos University can also enjoy this benefit.
Diaporein Peruvian Philosophical Investigations Group and Chair Transdisciplinary Project Iberoamericana
Ludwig Wittgenstein (CILW)
Iberoamerican Project Research Group Analytic Philosophy (FRIP)
Academic Sponsor:
Wittgenstein Network (University of Aarhus, Denmark) Wittgenstein Working Group (Brazil), Research Group "Culture and religion. Wittgenstein and the counter-enlightenment " (Spain), Wittgensteinian Study Circle (Argentina), Center for Philosophy of Language Studies (Argentina), Research Institute of Peruvian and Latin American Thought (San Marcos, Peru).
Organizing Committee: Pedro
Loayza (UNMSM - Diaporein Group), José Carlos Mendonca (UFAC - Brazil), Marco Wilson Ortiz (San Marcos), Vincent Sanford (University of Valencia - Spain), Marciano Adilio Spica (Language Group, Ethics and Politics - CONIFIL), Antonio Ramirez-Victorio (Group Diaporein / CILW - San Marcos), Alonso Reategui (FRIP - San Marcos), Rolando Rocha (Linguistic Research Institute - San Marcos)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Can You Use Canesten Whilst Breastfeeding?
After analyzing photographs of each of the 165 works of 67 participating artists were selected 48 works 40 artists, the jury for this selection consisted Chuey Jorge Alberto Salazar, Guillermo Ceniceros and Arturo Delgado Rivera and met on June 17, 2010 in Mexico City. Only selected parts were received 47 .
In the city of Gomez Palacio, Durango, on the premises of the Museum of Modern Art, the Culture House located in Lisbon and London, Colonia El Campestre in this city met at 19:00 on Wednesday, August 4, two thousand ten: Jorge Alberto Chuey Salazar, Marcela Rivera Torres and Arturo Delgado (via internet, for health reasons) ; as the jury finds of II Painting Biennial 2010 Gómez Palacio and having evaluated the pieces will disclosed the following results:
The winner by unanimous decision of single prize acquisition ($ 75, 000.00 Seventy-five thousand pesos): Liliana Ang Collan Granillo for the work "Stephanie Green", oil on canvas, 90 x 1 00 cm. 2010
were established following honorable mentions:
- Bending Araceli Juarez, for the work "Xolo VII" , oil on canvas, 80 x 120 cm. 2010
- Cecilia Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, of the book "Frontiers" oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm. 2010
- Wilfredo Mendoza Oscar Mancillas, for the work "Depredantebetha", oil, acrylic and canvas, 140 x 140 cm. 2009
dictamination The session concluded at 21:30 pm and jurors sign at the bottom of this record that consists of one (1) single sheet.
Chuey Jorge Alberto Salazar
Marcela Torres Ibarra
Arturo Delgado Rivera
Liliana Ang, "Stephen Green", oil on canvas, 90 x 100 cm. 2010
- Araceli Juarez Bending, "Xolo VII", oil on canvas, 80 x 120 cm. 2010
- Cecilia Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, "Borders" oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm. 2010

- Wilfredo Mendoza Oscar Mancilla, "Depredantebetha", oil, acrylic y screen, 140 x 140 cm. 2009
Monday, August 2, 2010
Pregnancy Patterns Dresses