After analyzing photographs of each of the 165 works of 67 participating artists were selected 48 works 40 artists, the jury for this selection consisted Chuey Jorge Alberto Salazar, Guillermo Ceniceros and Arturo Delgado Rivera and met on June 17, 2010 in Mexico City. Only selected parts were received 47 .
In the city of Gomez Palacio, Durango, on the premises of the Museum of Modern Art, the Culture House located in Lisbon and London, Colonia El Campestre in this city met at 19:00 on Wednesday, August 4, two thousand ten: Jorge Alberto Chuey Salazar, Marcela Rivera Torres and Arturo Delgado (via internet, for health reasons) ; as the jury finds of II Painting Biennial 2010 Gómez Palacio and having evaluated the pieces will disclosed the following results:
The winner by unanimous decision of single prize acquisition ($ 75, 000.00 Seventy-five thousand pesos): Liliana Ang Collan Granillo for the work "Stephanie Green", oil on canvas, 90 x 1 00 cm. 2010
were established following honorable mentions:
- Bending Araceli Juarez, for the work "Xolo VII" , oil on canvas, 80 x 120 cm. 2010
- Cecilia Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, of the book "Frontiers" oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm. 2010
- Wilfredo Mendoza Oscar Mancillas, for the work "Depredantebetha", oil, acrylic and canvas, 140 x 140 cm. 2009
dictamination The session concluded at 21:30 pm and jurors sign at the bottom of this record that consists of one (1) single sheet.
Chuey Jorge Alberto Salazar
Marcela Torres Ibarra
Arturo Delgado Rivera
Liliana Ang, "Stephen Green", oil on canvas, 90 x 100 cm. 2010
- Araceli Juarez Bending, "Xolo VII", oil on canvas, 80 x 120 cm. 2010
- Cecilia Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, "Borders" oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm. 2010

- Wilfredo Mendoza Oscar Mancilla, "Depredantebetha", oil, acrylic y screen, 140 x 140 cm. 2009
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