Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Leopard Gecko Eat Pinky


Planetanimado us kids can build a face, color drawings, dressing boys or girls, other kids dress according to the environment, working with the five senses and to look for differences. Within of color may letters as directed by the letters, write the vowels, place the missing letter, write a word with the help of an animated puzzle, find the couple: A picture - word. Within
numbers can count objects and label, classify bodies or figures in a double-entry table, writing numbers, continuing a series, joining the dots in the order of numbers, build figures: tangram. Within
animals may relate to animal products, placing the heads of animals, discover the animals that live in the sea, look identical animals, coloring pictures and playing with a memotest animals. Within half
may place the figures (flowers) in the right place, see the seasons, sort out the garbage, drive the character through mazes, puzzles and arrange the room. addition, this site includes a Learning Guide


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