SYDNEY, Mai 23, 2008 (Sun Times) The Australian Prime Minister John Howard said on Wednesday that Muslims want to live under Islamic Sharia from leaving Australia; at a time when the government is possible to isolate radical groups that could in future terrorist attacks against the people of this island continent. Also, Howard sparked fury from some Australian Muslims when he said that he gave his full support to the Australian counter-intelligence agencies to spy on mosques in the nation. 'Those who have to adapt to reach a new country are immigrants, not Australians', the president said firmly. 'And if you do not like to leave. I'm tired of this nation is always concerned not to offend other cultures or other individuals. Since the terrorist attack in Bali, we have experienced an increase patriotism among the Australians. " "Our culture has developed over centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who came here seeking freedom," added Howard. 'Here We speak mainly English, "said the prime minister during his forceful speech. 'We do not speak Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian, Japanese or any other language. Therefore, if immigrants want to become part of this society, learn our language! " The president went on to say that the majority of Australians are Christians. 'This is not a political wing and a political game. It is a reality. These are men and women of descent Christian who founded this nation based on Christian principles, which is well documented in our books. Therefore, it is entirely appropriate to demonstrate our belief in the walls of our schools. If Christ offends you, then I suggest looking elsewhere in the world to live, because God and Jesus Christ are part of our culture '.. 'Tolerate your beliefs, but you have to accept ours to live in harmony and peace with us, "said Howard. 'This is our country, our country, and these are our customs and lifestyle. Let you enjoy all of our own, but when you leave to complain, to whine and complain against our flag, our language, our national commitment, our Christian beliefs or our way of life. I strongly recommend you to profit a great opportunity for freedom you have in Australia. Here you go, right to where it suits you!''People who do not like how Australians live, "Howard continued. 'They are free to leave. We do not force them to come. You asked to emigrate here, so it's time to accept the country that welcomed them. "
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