In an article entitled Young ProReforma. The fear that young people do not agree, published in elPeriódico (10/20/2009), Miguel Albizures angel poured a series of unsubstantiated opinions.
Being deceptive emotional expressions and not worth dealing with analyzing the ideas expressed in them. But the central issue does need to be clarified: Albizures said that the draft does not take into account ProReforma youth and as a basis refers to the age of 50 years must be members of the Senate who, once elected, elected annually to three new members of the same age.
The purpose of this article is to arouse an attitude of rejection towards ProReforma. Not interested demonstrate that sustains strong arguments. This is reflected in the absolute and radical expressions used based solely on age members of the Senate. For example, states that do not trust pro-reform "in the capacity of youth and will fly at a stroke their right to elect and be elected."
on the nuclear issue to the article, the author commits the fallacy of "non sequitur." This type of fallacious reasoning is that the conclusion does not follow from the premises. Formally translated Albizures argument is: "If members of the Senate must be 50 years old then ProReforma wary of youth and denies the right to choose." This invalid argument more specifically known as the fallacy of affirming the consequent: If P then Q, Q, therefore P argument that in any basic course in logic is shown to be invalid.
If you read the draft ProReforma will find that there is a wide range of opportunities for democratic practice to elect and be elected, for youth and for all citizens. On the other hand is not democratic, either in theory or in practice, everything has to be decided or resolved by resorting to elect and be elected. This tendency to "expand" democracy can not tolerate uncritically, so there has always been limits and, for sure, always will be. Finally
if ProReforma criticized by the age of senators and ideas of "old oligarchs" or "the most rancid oligarchy," what's the point of the article advises young people go to talk with Alfonso Bauer, 91 years old? Should not we send this council also "to hell"?
advise reading the draft ProReforma directly instead of keeping with the views to the contrary that drain into the media and they are only propaganda against and no analysis of the basic ideas.
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